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This is the entire Star Wars Saga. The Outlines of the movies are here! (c) 2001 DARTH MAUL.GG.NU. No portion of this may be reproduced without our permission. Any plot speculations were made May 10, 2001. Dont blame us for lack of updates!!! Email us by clicking HERE



Star Wars is about Luke Skywalker meeting with Obi Wan Kenobi. A wise warrior called a Jedi and will guide him and hotshot pilot Han Solo on rescuing Princess Leia kidnapped in a battle station that is capable of destroying an entire planet. After Obi Wan was fighting Sith Lord Darth Vader, they rescued the Princess and planned to execute an attack on the battle station DEATH STAR. After the attack, Luke and Han were awarded medals at the end of the movie.


The rebels escaped after a big snow battle on Hoth. Luke Skywalker had training with Obi Wans teacher Yoda. After losing a fight with Darth Vader, they planned to free Hand from an assassin taking him to Jabba the Hutt...


When the rebel alliance were planning to destroy a shield generator that is protecting a new Death Star, Luke Skywalker went out to the battlestation to fight the Emperor and defeat Darth Vader. Ian McDiarmid is an excellent british player and youll love the Emperor...!


The Sith Lords that were believed dead were returning. When the mysterious Darth Sidious conviced a Trade Federation to invade Naboo. Two Jedi Ambassadors. Qui Gon Jinn and Obi Wan Kenobi escaped a blockade but landed on Tatooine to fix the damage done to their ship. They only got the parts they needed by betting on a Boonta Race and freed Anakin Skywalker, the possible person who will bring balance to the universe. After seeing the greedy delegates of Coruscant and after Anakin was tested by the 12 Jedi, they returned to Naboo to fight the droid army of the trade federation. Many Gungans except Jar Jar and Captain Tarpals survived the war. Anakin blew up the main reactor of a ship and Qui Gon died after an agent of Darth Sidious--Darth Maul fought him even he was killed later by Obi Wan. The Jedi took chances and had Anakin as the Padawan of Kenobi and there was a celebration at Theed to represent the friendship of the Naboo and the Gungans...


Yes, this is the actual plot of SW2 by May 5 2001.
Last Update MAY 5 2001 Dont blame us if Lucas will change the plot!!!

In the beginning of the movie, there was a bombing and assassination attempt on Senator Amidala. Her close friend and Jedi student of Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker is hired to protect her. After having a dangerous chase on Coruscant with his HOT ROD and an assassin droid. Anakin knew it was time to go to Naboo with Padme Amidala. When Anakin was on Naboo. Obi Wan was assinged to go to Kamino where Kyber Darts are found, the ones that killed Zam and kept her information safe (used by Jango)

On Naboo, Anakin had a vision of the future and not long went to Tatooine where his Shmi Lars was killed by Tuskens. After talking to Owen Lars and father Cliegg with girlfriend Beru, he took his completed droid and left for Geonosis where Obi Wan called him. Anakin was starting to get angry to the Jedi Order for keeping his mother from him. Then they took off to Geonosis.

After Obi Wan fought violently with Jango Fett, he knew there was a war staged by the leader of the rebels and separatist forces. On Geonosis, there was a big war between the Clone Army of Count Dookus rebellion. We also find out that Darth Sidious secretly supervised Dooku in staging this war.
Many Jedi Knights led by Mace Windu died on the clone war. Padme managed to fight droids with the assistance of Chancellor Palpatines own clones. Obi Wan, Anakin and Yoda fought the rebel leader Count Dooku, he lost.
Count Dooku escaped and reported his successful mission of staging the war.

Palpatine was given the green light to produce his Clone Army.

There was a very happy ending with Padme and Anakins wedding on Naboo at the Naberries Lake Retreat. Anakin planned on living the order because of their code. But he got through with his marriage with Padme anyway. They have been very close for 10 years.

Bail Organa, Chancellor Palpatine and Naboo Representative Jar Jar with the remaining Jedi were watching 1000 Clones being shipped to fight the rebels. Yoda said A defeat it was, Master Obi Wan, begun the Clone War has!. The Jedi Mace Windu and Yoda were worried that this was the prophecy that one person will destroy the Order. But one will bring balance and get rid of evil in the universe. They are NOT sure of it.

To Be continued on Episode III


Date: May 20 2001. Dont blame us if Lucas or McCallum will change the plot!!!


The Jedi are having a hard time fighting the Clone Troopers of rebel leader Count Dooku. Obi Wan Kenobi was sent to Tatooine to ask assistance on Tatooine from former student Anakin Skywalker. When Obi Wan asked Anakin to leave and assist, Padme gave him a japor snippet he carved 12 years before.Padme wasnt worried because retirement from public service will not do any harm. On Coruscant, Chancellor Palpatine assigned Anakin to fight an armada of battleships on a planet.Anakin used ships called TIE fighters secretly built by Palpatine to protect the galaxy. After fighting and winning the war, the planets population has been freed.

Padme became Pregnant and contacted the Council. The Council decided NOT to tell Anakin of the pregnancy.
There is a session in the Senate with Palpatine asking for authority and to go beyond his Supreme Chancellor Rank.

Padme found out that Clone Troopers of Count Dooku invaded the Naboo. On Naboo, Padmes representative Jar Jar and Captain Tarpals survived the battle. Padme wanted to go to Naboo and to check her family. The Council decided to move her off Tatooine to Alderaan to be safe. On Alderaan, Padme was guarded by Bail Organa and lived at their place temporarily

Anakin contacted the Council and wanted to go home but the Council refused. He learned that Padme was pregnant and got angry at Obi Wan from hiding secrets. The Jedi told him that they moved Padme somewhere and they NEVER told him where. Anakin told Palpatine about this and Palpatine promised to find her.

Palpatine was on his arena and found out where Padme is. Darth Sidious contacted Count Dooku and told him to find Padme and kidnap her right away. But Count Dooku answered that he needs more time because he will invade Alderaan with his army. Darth Sidious took off his cloak and on Palpatine appearance, he called Anakin and told him that he needs more time. There was an invasion on Aldaraan by the army of Count Dooku. Palpatines Clone Troopers were called to protect Alderaan and many Jedi Knights fought. The Jedi who were 65 years old and above disappeared because they were one with the Force and controlled their death. The younger ones and students got killed without vanishing. Yoda knew that the end of the order was near and decided to defect and went to Dagobah without telling anybody where he will go except assigning Mace Windu to lead the remaining Jedi.

Padme gave birth to Luke and Leia. Mace Windu told Leia to be taken to Bail Organa for safety while Padme agreed and trusted his orders. The 2 babies will be assassinated when they dont do that. Obi Wan was called and told to bring Luke to Owen Lars and Beru on Tatooine. When he brought them there, Palpatine finally told Anakin where Padme is.

Padme was kidnapped by Clonetroopers but Anakin located the kidnapping to Coruscant. He rode a SUPER-SPEEDER and went to a volcanic power plant with an endless shaft with a bottom of magma. Outside the plant, Mace Windu was fighting Count Dooku and Mace got badly injured before Count Dooku left him to check on Padme. Mace escaped on a ship and defected also. He was able to drive to Dantooine. Mace Windu lost his Light Saber and on Dantooine, he was taken by kids who gamble named Han and Lando to a dwelling where he can rest and heal. Anakins Speeder was cut off by Count Dookus Light Saber and a projectile knocked the platform Padme was on and Padme fell down on the floor 20,000 feet below after hitting the sides of the super-posts. Count Dooku left and went to a door on the plant. He met Darth Sidious and Dooku used the Force to open the cloak of his Master and he found out that the Sith Lord was Chancellor Palpatine himself. He got angry and tried to fight Palpatine but Palpatine killed him without Anakin knowing and his body was consumed by the electricity on the abyss at the outside area. Darth Sidious took off his cloak and went to Anakin. Anakin was very angry that Padme was killed and was told to change his identity into Darth Vader and join Palpatine in taking order and bringing peace.

When they left, Obi Wan arrived and spotted Padmes body. Padme was unconscious but still alive and badly injured. Obi Wan took Padme away so they can have a treatment with any doctors.

Chancellor Palpatine and Darth Vader where on the Senate and he was granted to have unlimited authority in fighting the rebels and more Clones are produced. He declared himself Emperor and promised this higher position will surely bring end to the war and bring peace to the galaxy forever. Bail Organa formed his own rebellion secretly.He said that Jedi can no longer be trusted, after announcing about Count Dookus renegade actions, he decided to put the Jedi aside and form their own protectors. The Emperor ordered Darth Vader to go to the temple and kill all the remaining Jedi. Darth Vader was accompanied by 50 Clone Troopers fought the remaining Knights in the temple and it was all a blasted shell. Anakin was wielding a red Light Saber and his blue one was still holstered. He told the Emperor that when Kenobi returns, he will assassinate him also. Alone.

Emperor formed a secret Imperial base and gathered Clonetroopers. Grand Moff Tarkin, a Senator also joined him and took command of the empire secretly, yet. Padme was taken to Alderaan and was VERY VERY sick. Padme cant walk yet and the injuries and sickness from new pregnancy is deadly and can kill when one mistake is made to the health. Kenobi returned and promised to find Anakin.

Obi Wan went to the powerplant with a deep shaft and found Darth Vader wielding 2 red Light Sabers. His 2 Blue Light Sabers where still holstered. Obi Wan used the Force and pulled to 2 holstered blue sabers to him and kept it. Obi Wan tried to convince Anakin that Padme is alive but he was called a liar. Obi Wan and Darth Vader fought and by using 2 Red Light Sabers, Darth Vader cut off Obi Wans sword and Obi Wan disarmed told Darth Vader to stop and to defend himself, Obi Wan Force-levitated a huge electro cupling and hit Anakin VERY, VERY hard and his apprentice fell onto another level and was crushed. Obi Wan left with the 2 blue swords. He took one sword for himself and left for Tatooine but Owen Lars refused to accept the other Light Saber after learning that Anakin died. He left onto Mos Eisley city and changed his name to Ben. Bail Organa was about to leave Padme on Alderaan and told her that his new rebellion will win in fighting the war. He left and continued his construction of rebel forces and X-Wing ships for defense.

On the Imperial base, Darth Vader was on a bed and his head was full of bandages and he had artificial arms and legs. He was alone with the Emperor and the Emperors Sith powers were revealed to him.Emperor's face was white because of Sith make-up Darth Vader was told to bring out his Light Saber and kill the doctors that cured him for secrecy and test his robotic skills. Darth Vader also wore a breath mask and body armor.
On Tatooine Ben was distracted by something and stopped walking. While on Dagobah, Yoda stopped levitating on a tree and felt something in the Force. Padme was alone on a bed with doctors on Alderaan and was looking on the destroyed city.See Threepio and Artoo Detoo fell on a large staircase and their memories were erased. Darth Vader stared at the killed doctors and bringing one red Light Saber...


Remember, that was just the plot by May 20, 2001 so dont blame us for lack of updates if Lucas will change the plot!

(c) 2001 DARTH MAUL.GG.NU No portion of this maybe copied without our permission

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